The INN is coming in 2025!

Community Support INNfographic

Vadim Kononov| November 26, 2024

At The INN, our mission is clear: to provide safe, inclusive, and transitional housing for our neighbors experiencing homelessness. Our trauma-sensitive approach helps individuals regain stability, equipping them with life skills for a successful transition back into the community.

What's Inside the PDF?

"The INNfographic" is a resource designed for community services and churches to share with their staff and clients. It outlines:

  • Steps to reduce homelessness and neighborhood crime
  • Details about housing-focused recovery programs
  • The role of trained staff and collaborative safety measures

Located in Steinbach, Manitoba, The INN is a 24/7, year-round haven offering essential services for those in Southeast Manitoba.

Why Download?

Use this resource to understand how The INN is transforming lives and communities. Print and distribute it to raise awareness or support community engagement efforts.

Download The INNfographic

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